  • The Magnificent Seven 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Malaysia.jpg

The Magnificent Seven 4K Ultra HD Bluray

RM 115.00
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Video Quality

Video Quality

IMDB reports that The Magnificent Seven was shot on film but finished at 2K, an oddity and something of an outlier to be sure. Nevertheless, the 2160p/HDR-enhanced image is quite attractive and a solid to, at times, substantial upgrade over the excellent 1080p Blu-ray disc. The image is noticeably crisper and more refined, its details tighter and enjoying a greater sense of polish and natural sharpness. Everything -- faces, clothing, terrain, wooden structures, leather, weapons -- presents with heightened definition and a much greater sense of natural, tangible intimacy across practically every frame. It's amazing how much tighter and more robust the image appears. It maintains a beautiful filmic appearance. Grain is even and obvious, relatively light though still perhaps a touch sharper than some would like. Color saturation is much improved over the Blu-ray. The HDR enhancement never alters the movie's intended look and feel but rather accentuates the palette, offering significantly increased saturation and nuance, evident even through the heavily warm and mildly bronzed look the movie has to offer. It still looks hot and dusty, but there's a much greater sense of natural efficiency to every shade, as well as a much greater color depth. Black levels could stand to go a little deeper and darker, but such is the only worthwhile complaint in an otherwise terrific 4K presentation that's right up there, maybe only a sliver behind, Sony's best UHD offerings to date.

Credit: blu-ray.com

Audio Quality

4K Bluray details 

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