
Apollo 13 4K Ultra HD Bluray

RM 125.00
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Video Quality

Video Quality

Apollo 13 was shot on film and the transition to UHD has resulted in a very pleasing, organically filmic image with little room for major complaint. Grain retention lends a satisfying textural grace to the image. Some may find it a hair on the sharp side, but there's no mistaking the picture's cinematic bona fides. Skin textures appear organically complex, featuring a tangible increase in raw definition over the previous Blu-ray. Complex pores, stubble on the astronauts' faces, and wrinkly lines on an older character are amongst the most evident of the boosts to skin's textural bounties. Additionally, the image's boost in clarity and resolution allows for greater command of fine object detailing as well, including space suits, bulky computer consoles at Houston, and the complex array of buttons and electronics in the shuttle. The shuttle interior's cramped size and density allows every scene inside the craft to be a treasure of ultra high definition exploration. The HDR color palette offers another example of tasteful, complimentary boosts. The palette never betrays the movie's color scheme, accentuating and keeping core shades, like the green computer consoles at Houston command or various accents on space suits or clothes -- particularly some of the more period-colored oranges and browns -- true but more naturally adept in presentation. Skin tones are full and healthy, perhaps pushing a little rosy at times. Black levels are fine. This is a very good image; scoring was a bit tough, with 4.0 and 4.5 both reasonable figures. Either way this is a positive upgrade over the previous Blu-ray.

Audio Quality

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